Is your aim to make your blog or website popular? Then you can take advantage of some simple but effective ways to increase the traffic to your website. Keep in mind that the pictures you place in your website are as much important as the text. Here are some tips, which will show you how the pictures could effect to the websites’ traffic:
1. The wider the pictures’ category, the more visitors your website or blog will attract. If you start a site about earning money, try to add some pictures of sites connected with dollars, services, history, etc.
2. Make a folder with pictures accessible for search engines. Be sure that your file does not forbid the access to pictures. Try not to use references with the help of javascript as it can limit the possibilities of the searching systems.
3. Update your pictures with new as often as possible, in order to keep the freshness of the search engines. If you have a picture, which is focused on very popular keyword, you can try to remove it and replaced it with another picture, because the freshness of a picture can reflected in relevance and can restore your rating in Google Image.
4. Place your pictures according to the required standards. Full conformity to the standards is required not only to include alt tag for pictures, but also width, height and title tags. According to standards the picture should contain five key points.
5. Use keywords in references to pictures When you refer to a certain picture, use a keyword instead of general phrases.
Website tricks and tips are all over the internet, but not all of them are effective ones that actually work! Finding a good website for providing handy website tricks and tips to increase traffic may be hard, but once you have found one, the help they provide can often be priceless!
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