You have two different “flavours” of dedicated server depending on how much responsibility you wish to bear on running it. With fully managed you will only get limited access, and unmanaged you have complete root access to it.
So then a fully managed server would be aimed that someone may be inexperienced, or does not wish to be burdened with the hassle of having to manage and maintain every aspect of their server. For you to control and monitor your server you would get some for of control panel.
What does the server host do for you?
What sort of support can you expect from a host of dedicated servers? They will do most things for you within reason, obviously they will setup and install the server for you, and put on any initial software you require. Maintenance and hardware issues would normally be monitored and addressed as needed. You should find that you will not be limited to the amount of support time you have, but if you are using an unfair amount you may be charged or limited.
With an unmanaged server you are expected to know how to run and maintain your server, well what I mean by maintaining your server is keeping things secure, with software being kept up to date. But also the other day to day tasks that you need to do. Your access to the server would be via remote desktop or root, to enable you to do everything.
What will the server company do?
The server host would still be responsible for the hardware of your server, but they might not have any monitoring software installed, so any issues you notice you would need to report to avoid an problems. Obviously they will install the operating system on your behalf but then the server is given to you. You can ask them to help you as you will be given a certain amount of support time per month but this is normally not much. Means if you really manage to break your server it could cost a fair amount to sort out, or just get a reinstall performed. A provider of dedicated servers like Melbourne Server hosting should be able to offer you the right options.
Sometimes you can get a third option which is a semi managed server, you get more access but still not unrestricted, but also can have more support when you need it with not unlimited amounts but not none at all. Making this option a great bridging service between being fully managed and completely unmanaged.
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