Most businesses have been told that they should sell their products and services through the Internet to keep up with their competitors. They also know that they need to work on their seo if they want to obtain good page ranking on Google. These businesses even know that they should hire professionals to get their sites optimized and earning money quickly. What these companies do not know, is how to go about finding a good search engine optimization company. I wrote this article to help businesses properly interview their potential search engine optimization partners.
The first thing you’ll want to do is decide on what it is you want to achieve through your outsourced seo projects. You’llneed to decide which pages and products you would like to sell online, and will want to have some basic knowledge of how search engine marketing is done and how a good search engine optimization campaign can help you. Once you have this information you can go about finding some seo businesses to begin interviewing with.
You’ll want to know basic things that you would ask any business doing work for you like: who are some of your past customers, who are some of your current customers, how have you helped customers, in the past, and how they relate to your business.
After this you’ll want to ask more specific questions. Some questions others have suggested are: what seo tools do you regularly use, how do you evaluate whether or not a seo campaign is working, what kind of link building do you do, what are your seo strengths, and what are your seo weaknesses. While all of these questions are good questions to ask, I would focus more on what kind of link building they will be doing and how they will be measuring success.
You will want to know that the search engine optimization company you are using is not going to be using any black hat seo techniques. White hat techniques are best, but some gray hat work can also be good for quick rankings while you wait for you white hat work to fully take effect. Black hat techniques could get you banned from the search engines. Also even if they do work for a time and do not get you completely banned from the search engines, they will eventually die out and you will back to square one with your rankings. You’ll want to make sure the company knows better than to implement a black hat technique to get your money before your site quickly losses its rankings again.
Success measurement is another key area because you will want to know that their seo package is working for you. You will want to install some sort of analytics code or software to ensure that you know whether or not you are getting more visitors . You and the company should be upfront about how much additional traffic you should expect to get once their work has been completed. Making sure that you and the company know what to expect from each other before the job is even started will ensure that you have a happy and healthy business relationship.
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