Why do so many network marketers focus on one thing and one thing alone? It’s really NOT just about getting people into your business. In fact, it’s this exact path of thought that is the demise of many. Why pay $5 for a lead, then give them a call and if they don’t join your business throw it away? It really doesn’t make any sense at all to me.
Well, I guess when it comes down to it I do know why so many network marketers have this one focus. It’s because that’s all that they are taught.
Ponder about it, as a network marketer, most people involved with business are taught to buy Marketing Leads, call those one by one and try to ask to join their business and after finding out they won’t join, just move on and try again with another lead. How risky and inefficient is that, yet it’s what’s taught, and it’s where I started. But when you really think about it it’s the most risky and the most inefficient business plan anyone could ever have. The cold calling game has its place, but unless you’re trying to recruit people into a business with a huge enrollment fee, it will literally take you years to ever get out of the red.
There are two things that might be involved with it; your internet Online MLM Business or your lead. Got no luck. Why would anyone do that to themselves?
It’s just plain wrong to teach individuals if you really have their best interests at heart and it’s why I’d never do it again even it was the only choice, it’s just not worth it. Here’s what you should focus on and what I focus on, making money today and then waiting until the next day to choose the best Multi-level Marketing Leads to join my business. That way my personal risk goes down to zero in the short term and I have cash to put back into marketing and promotion tomorrow while I sit back and choose who I want to work with.
That sounds like a plan right? Well now it’s yours if you want it!
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