At times having it shorter is far better.At least that maybe true with regards to your site address.
Have you ever joined one of the many affiliate opportunities that creates a site address, URL, for you to endorse them, that is lengthier than even the finest stretch limousine in the city?
Despite the fact that can be as easy to do is click on it to access where you need to be, when a URL looks like it is two blocks long, it takes away from the meaning of your ad copy.
Worse still, many surfers go upon by themselves to go to the web site you are promoting but ONLY after they take out your affiliate information.
This beats the whole objective of your promoting an affiliate website. It can cost you money and time.
So what’s the solution?
A URL Redirection Service.
Better still, is the use of a FREE URL Redirection Service. Take a look at some of the better FREE services online:
Free Redirect URL Service
Their program offers you a No cost, memorable redirect-URL for your web site, and redirects the user to your current home page or URL.
Other characteristics of their FREE service:
* You will get a live-long redirect-URL for free.
* A counter is incorporated in your account
* Missing password e-mailed to you
* Complete Meta Tags Support
* You can exclude people from entering your website by suspending their IP address
* The status line of the Browser only indicates your redirect-URL (or not)
* You can get sub-domains of your own sub-domain.
They likewise offer you Totally free Web based email service.
V3 – Free Redirect URL Company
Have a Short URL, such as:,; and a long lasting email address like:,
CJB.Net -One more Free Redirect URL Service
CJB.NET gives totally free URL redirection services which permit you to redirect an easy-to-remember address to your website, no matter where it’s hosted.
The previously mentioned FREE list will provide you with about a few more of the best online No cost URL Redirect Services.
Many will in addition provide you FREE email, also.
Sign up is usually extremely quick and you may instantly be granted a new URL to replace your 2 block long monstrosity.
Your Link goes from looking like: to something much more manageable like:
The smaller URL will create far better looking ad copy, won’t get cropped by FFA Submission websites, and will give you a far higher response rate to your affiliate promotions.
When it comes to a URL, shorter is better.
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