Crucial Guidelines On How To Get Really, Really, Really Rich.

Having been on the internet for quite some time now, I have come across hundreds of gimmicks, fads, how to get rich quick schemes, for quick and easy millions, blah blah etc… from internet marketers, masterminds, mentors and some (I have to say it) morons…

In turn, I have come across many people, who write in and ask me questions, and give advice on their experiences. Some of these people have paid good money for e-books, coaching courses, DVDs and advice telling them “how to get rich,” but have followed all the steps and wonder why they are no further along now than they were before. Why is it that “The Tin” tells them to do X, Y and Z – and they do it — BUT, they don’t make a cent?

In all honesty, I have to be realistic and say that the problem lies in the fact that I don’t believe there are any overnight million dollar solutions, or even one week or one month miracles. This is of course unless you have a way of linking up with some good and reputable affiliates, who have a significant number of subscribers on their lists.

It’s important to realise that if you spend a lot of time and hard work creating a reputable brand, with services and products that are in demand and truly first-class customer support, then you will succeed. I absolutely guarantee it. Don’t forget, “on point” virtual assistants can help you with all the details.

You of course need a solid marketing strategy in place to make sure people know about your reliable brand, fantastic sought after products and services, and impeccable customer support – and once you have married these items together, you have started the basis for an ongoing, profitable business. I go into much more detail about this in my book, “Realistic Down To Earth Online Marketing,” which will be of great help to you if you’re actually ready for the “Real Deal.”

When you do it the right way, the word will start to spread and invariably, sales and new clients result. When you have things under way, keep on top of everything, notably customer service and marketing, areas that you will definitely need help with, trust me, especially if you’re thinking about making a significant effort, so understand you really need to reach out, far and wide. An outsourcing process is your friend here, as you can hire a professional online business manager or a company that specialises in virtual assistance, with the aim of ensuring that your service quality is first class; don’t miss this all-important step, or you could easily trip up.

I am sure that there are a certain number of people out there who undeniably know what they are talking about, for example Tim Ferris and Yaro Starek, respected people both, but you need to ask yourself an important question before you even think about buying that “get rich” course:

1. Is the person selling it legitimate?
2. How rich is the person selling the product?
3. And finally… Did the person selling the product get rich from selling the product, or by some other means… This is something you really need to think about.

You see that on more than one occasion, the people who are selling “the dream of becoming rich,” actually became rich just by selling that system, rather than generating their money by selling another product or service. Think about it, when people are running a business online, what do they want more than anything else? Yes, they want to make money and therefore they come across somebody selling a product, promising that it will make people rich, and the market for buying that product is very large in itself. Selling “The Dream of Becoming Rich” to the people who want it. However, if this article isn’t swaying you from your “quick and easy millions,” keep in mind that to take advantage of “the dream” quickly, seriously consider taking on a solo virtual assistance provider, or even a virtual assistant team to maximise your efforts in a very short span of time.

But what happens when you are NOT selling the opportunity to get rich, what about when you are selling fitness machines, clocks, and musical instruments? A thousand times the number of people can be sold the concept of becoming rich than can be sold a Violin.

So the moral of all this is that before you spend your valuable money on any course which essentially tries to tell you the system for “how to get rich,” if your goal is to sell a particular service or product, make sure that the person you entrust for advice has actually become rich selling this very same service or product. It is so important to make sure that the advice is applicable in your case and that it is based on a solid foundation.

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